Browse Items (206 total)

BKDell - How to Stop a School Shooting_Cover.jpg
"Shane McCormick has lost every battle he’s ever fought, and those failures have left him wallowing at the bottom—angry, resentful, heartbroken, and homicidal. Armed with his uncle’s AR-15, there is only one thing left that Shane wants in this world:…

DAndrews - The Journals of Taylor Hart_Cover.jpg
"An extraordinary, disturbingly powerful collection of journals, The Journals of Taylor Hart is a collection of writings penned by a lonely, violent, and yet brilliant young man, spanning across more than four of his most formative years—culminating…

DPConway - Fallen_Cover.jpg
"Throughout his life, Nikolas Cruz claimed there was a Demon in his head. He may have been right.In the style of Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons, “Fallen” is a chilling expose of the life of Nikolas Cruz, a youth troubled since his earliest childhood.…

"Callie Hart" is the pen name of writer Frankie Rose

CHart - Rebel of Raleigh High_Cover.png
"Silver Hit me.Kick me.Hurt me.Hate me. There’s nothing that the students of Raleigh High can do to Silver Parisi anymore. Over the past year, she’s had to endure more pain and suffering than most people are asked to bear in their lifetimes. She’s…
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