The School Shooting Fiction Archive is a site dedicated to changing the way we think about disability, race, and gun violence.
Far from the most common type of gun violence, school shootings tend to generate much more media coverage and public attention than systemic gun violence. School shootings, especially rampage shootings in which multiple victims are killed, have become spectacular fears for many in the U.S., where many fear for their children, family, and selves in education.
Yet for many, the idea of a "school shooting" call to mind mass shootings in predominantly white and often middle-class suburban schools, where the victims are also often predominantly white and the shooters are imagined to be "crazy."
The reality is that youth of color are much more likely to be victims of gun violence and that disabled students are considerably more likely to be victims rather than perpetrators of violence.
This site tracks the growing subgenre of "school shooting fiction" - books featuring a school shooting as a main plot point - to examine how literature feeds into our beliefs about who commits and who dies from gun violence.
Note: This website is still under construction, and it is not yet near the standards of accessibility I plan to reach. Alt text image descriptions coming soon, for this page and within each item.